So this past weekend was sort of productive. I was still sick, so very sick. I made the stupid decision of going to J's show last Thursday and paid greatly. I felt so much like shit on Friday that I stayed in bed all day even skipping work. Blah, it sucked. Being sick sucks in general. Luckily I seem to be feeling a lot better, I only need to use my neti pot once or twice a day right now! ;-)
Ignore the laundry everywhere!! |
I was feeling better on Saturday so I started painting the trim in the bedroom. Yeah, that didn't go quite as planned. I was hoping to be done with all the trim work and check that off my list. Instead I only got the two coats of primer up. Yup, it took me all weekend to just get the primer up, on the windows only. Primer that is fast dry and ready for the next coat in 2 hours. Hey, I felt like crap. Fortunatly as I start to feel better, I've gotten the energy to finish up the bedroom trim. Well by trim I mean the windows, but I'm getting there. The bedroom already looks so good. I'm so happy with our choice to go with the white trim.
I picked up some Floetrol paint conditioner stuff for the trim paint. I'm hoping that it works as well as everyone says it does. I don't want any of those damn brush strokes to be visible. I was going to go with some foam brushes too, but
forgot changed my mind. Maybe I'll still go pick some of those up tonight before I start with the actual painting. This is a new thing for me, I've never used a paint conditioner before. Okay, I'll admit it, I didn't even know it existed. Thank god for all the great DIY blogs I read. I really have been learning a lot from them. I'm hoping all the trim in the rest of the house will be brush stroke free.
On Sunday, J wanted to go to Ikea and pick up our entertainment center. I think he got that new tv, and wants to properly display it. I was feeling better, so I agreed. Unfortunately, he wanted me to drive and the closest Ikea to us is in Schaumburg, IL. So a fun two hour ride ensued, only to get to Ikea and see that it was an absolute mad house. The parking lot was almost completely full and there were crazy people everywhere. I guess that's what happens when the weather gets warm here in the Midwest, everyone goes and enjoys a day out. Luckily, we had our list all printed out and didn't have to spend a lot of time among the masses.
Huge mess, but at least Yoda's coon is supervising! |
And after fitting all the boxes in my little car like tetris pieces we headed back home to put our
ridiculously large purchase together. And this is what our living room looks like right now. Random boxes everywhere. Random Furniture everywhere. Random tools and hardware everywhere. It's a fun time right now. I'm hoping
we J can get this together asap. I feel like it's a mad house enough around here without all of this everywhere. I'll have to post a picture of the
crap catch-all 3-season porch sometime, now that's a crazy mess.
And a side note I wanted to share. J and I have been to Ikea many, many times. Any excuse to go to Chicago (and surrounding areas) we take. On all of our trips, we've never ever ventured into their little dining area. It always smells pretty good, but we would just make fun of it and continue on our way. Yesterday we were feeling
famished brave, and we actually had lunch there. It wasn't that bad. I had a chicken wrap with fries and J had a panini with mac and cheese. We enjoyed our little meal a lot. The only complaint was with the mac and cheese, which J described as passable. My favorite part of my meal, the triple layer chocolate cake I downed. Now that was fantastic. I guess if you're there and are looking for something quick to eat, it's perfect. This wasn't an ad for their food, just a note of interest. :-)