Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Now the wait begins - Garden Update May 2013

This past weekend I finished planting the rest of my garden.  We had a cold snap a week ago and they were telling people to wait one more week before planting certain fruits and vegetables.  I am very relieved that it is all planted this year.  And boy to I have a lot of things planted this year.

I got the seeds above from the local ReStore during their earth day celebration.  They had a huge pile of seeds and each family got to pick out three.  We went at the end of the day and they still had a large amount of seeds, so the guy told me to take as many as I wanted.  I only took four, I could have easily taken more.

The Willy Street Co-op, if you are interested, is a locally owned grocery store that is stocked with local products.  It is actually own by anyone that wants to be part of the co-op.  It's like a local Whole Foods, but much better (all I'll say about Whole Foods is I'm not a fan).

But anyway, here are those little purple kohlrabi.  Just little sprouts right now, but they will get bigger and produce delicious kohlrabi.

Here are my broccoli sprouts.  They look just like the kohlrabi sprouts.  They need to be thinned out.

The great thing about seeds, you can use them over a few years (keep them in your freezer), so for a dollar or two, you get multiple years out of one pack.  I bought these seeds last year.

I have two varieties of carrots planted.  One is the purple haze you see above and one is the little short carrots (I can't remember what they are called).

My snow peas are also doing very well.  I can not wait to for these to get big enough to produce fruit.  There is nothing like a fresh snow pea pod right off the vine.

These are my red onions.  Some are planted close together to produce table onions and some are planted farther apart for regular onions.

My leaf lettuce is also pretty happy.  The sprouts are finally starting to take on the look of actual lettuce.  This had a verity of leaf lettuce, so there will be all different colors in there soon.  Lettuce is great because I can keep planting seeds all summer long.  I have to admit that they look a little like dandelions  but if you look closely they are a little different.

I also have cucumbers and zucchini that are planted.  I am pretty excited about these because we both love them and eat a lot of them.  Yum!!!

Those are all the plants I started from seed.  I normally start everything from seeds, but I just didn't have the time or space this year.  I hope next year I'll be able to start everything from seed again.

But that doesn't mean I don't have anything else.  Here are two of the verities of basil I have planted; purple and Thai.

I also have some sweet basil in a pot.  This has just been cut back, so in a few weeks it will be twice as big.

This year I have four different varieties of tomatoes and four different types of peppers (both hot and sweet).  Some of them are budding already..

I also have some lovely oregano growing in a pot.  I love this and it dries up so nicely.

And we can't forget the mint I have every year.  This year I've added chocolate mint to the bunch.  So if anyone wants any mint let me know, this stuff grows like crazy and is so easy to propagate.

I have a number of other herbs planted as well, like parsley and garlic chives.  Some of them come back every year and I don't have to replant.

So that is where I am with the garden right now.  I might still try and get some arctic kiwi planted, but I'm not sure.  I'll have to wait and see if another projects is started soon.  I can't wait for everything to start growing and producing fruit.  I'll make sure to post and update next month to show you how much they all have grown (or not grown, you never know).

What has everyone else been planting?  Do you have your plants all in or are there a few more you would like to add?

1 comment:

Duni said...

Wow, great job on planting all of those. We have had problems with our zucchini two years in a row now due to a too wet summer. Gave up this year and only planted cherry tomatoes and sweet peppers. I love herbs too! Good luck with yours and hope you have plenty to harvest in the coming months :)