Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Studio - Day 2

This past weekend I was able to prime and paint the second wall in my studio.  Now as stated earlier, because this room is filled with my crap and I don't have any other place to put it, I'm forced to paint around all my crap.  So that means one wall at a time.  Which is okay I guess, not how I would normally want to paint, but it works.

Here is what I'm working with.  Awful paneling.  It's just not us and it's definitely not what I want in my studio.  I want something fun, something that inspires me.  This isn't doing it for me.   

So out came the primer.   And two coats later, I had a paintable surface.   Luckily, the primer only takes one hour to dry, so I can at least get a full wall done in one day.  

Sorry for the night picture, but I wanted to get at least one picture of the primer (even if I had already started painting the blue).  And you can see the huge mess that I'm trying to paint around.  Hopefully the rest of the room will be a tad easier to paint.

And here is the start of the blue stripes.  I was sold on the blue at first, but I think it's growing on me.

And here we are after both the yellow and blue are up.  I still have a few spots to touch up and all the trim needs to be painted, but not bad.  It's definitely better then what it was.  And the room is a lot brighter already.

I'm hoping to be able to get the third wall done this weekend while J does homework.  Then on to painting and putting up storage shelves.  I can't wait to get this done.  It's going to be so nice to have a dedicated area for my stuff.  And hopefully it will help me stay organized.

What do you guys think of the paint color and stripes?  Two baby's room or do you think it will work?  I'd love to hear what everyone thinks.     

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