Thursday, March 1, 2012

Studio Redo - Day One

We have officially started making over my studio. This is one of the most exciting makeovers we've undertaken since we moved. Well maybe not for J, but it is for me.

This is what my studio looked like before we stared.

This is a clean picture, that you can't see what's on the counter tops.  It was the catch all, pile it all in there room.  It's not a bad room, just not what I dream about when I dream about my studio.  If that made any sense.

So I went and picked up some pretty paints and painted a little test patch.  Yes, yes I approve of that new color.  So up went the tape.  Now because this room is full of stuff that we have no room for anywhere else, this room will have to be painted in stages.  Not ideal, but it will work.

Let the cutting in begin.  It already looks better.  I mean you can just imagine how bright and inviting this room will be.

And here we are after the first coat.  So much brighter.  And the day I painted it was overcast and crappy out.  You know an average winter day here in WI.

I'm in love.  The color is fantastic and just brightens everything almost immediately.  And yes, a second coat was needed.  I don't care what paint manufactures say, you always need at least two coats.  That's my biggest pet peeve with this house.  The previous owners just painted one coat, and so every room is streaky and uneven.  Want to drive me crazy?  Just paint one coat on your walls.  I have yet to see the magical paint that actually only needs one coat.  And don't even think about suggesting the paint and primer combo, that angers me almost as much as streaky walls.  Okay, I'll get off my box now.

Back to my studio.

Now I have to tackle this side of the room.  Again this picture was taken when I had the counters cleaned off.  You have no idea what a mess they are again (and you can't see the mountain of things off camera).  Hopefully all of this side of the room will be filled with open shelves to keep everything on.  And I'll be able to use my counters as workspace, not storage.

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