Well this has been one heck of a Christmas. It's unfortunately the first Christmas that I can remember that I didn't have some form of a tree up, but that's okay, I'll get over that some day. I'll probably be scarred for life now, always remembering our first Christmas in the new house without a tree :( but I'll deal with the broken heart of living in a tree-less house. I don't know if you notice, but I'm not really over it and I've let J know everyday how sad I am. But anyhow.

J and I didn't really celebrate that much or even exchange gifts. But I guess we bought each other a house, so that's probably the best Christmas gift ever. Okay, that IS the best Christmas gift ever. And we did get each other little things. J got me (and himself) an awesome travel tea mug. I love tea and buy a lot of loose leaf tea, so these are perfect for us. I
will be getting got him a single cup coffee maker. It's not one of those k-cup kinds, it just takes normal coffee filters and coffee, but only brew one cup at a time. We got my boss the same one for the office. He likes it and I think it made J was a little jealous, so I got him one. It's a nice cuisinart one. I'll have pictures of it when it finally arrives (hey give me a break, we just moved last week).
We also went and picked up some paint. We're set for the living room/dining room, kitchen, hallway, and master bedroom. I figured those rooms were enough to start with for now, then we'll move on to the other rooms. I'll hopefully have some before and after pictures soon. We went with Latte for the walls in the living room/dining room, kitchen and hallway. Then deep red for one of the walls in the dining area. Then of course a wonderful blue-green for the bedroom. Oh I'm so excited about the bedroom. You have no idea.
And of course the best part of our paint store trip; we picked up a color deck. I have been dreaming about one of these for ever. Not only will I be able to use it to pick out colors for the rest of the house, but I'll be able to use it to create new color combos to use in my art work. That was totally worth the trip to the paint store.
We also made our first trip to the home improvement store since we've become homeowners. I can attest to the fact that once you own a home, those stores take on a whole new feeling. We became completely overwhelmed the second we walked in the store. Was it the first time we've been there? Hell no, we've been there hundreds of times, but now we're homeowners, so we have to care about everything in the store. We did manage to calm ourselves down long enough to buy a few lights for the front entrance way and the hallway, as well as a lamp (our first nice lamp ever). We also picked up paint supplies and some caulking crap for J's studio in the basement. Oh and we picked up registrar covers to replace the ones the house came with. I know, he was a very skilled woodworker, but I'm sorry, they just aren't our style. The plain, simple ones are fine in my book.
So as you can see we had a wild and crazy Christmas (we did spend it with family, so not all boring). Oh the lives of homeowners, EXCITING!! ;-)