☜ Yup, that's a Three Fates Original right there. I know I'm an awesome artist. It kinda looks like I'm showing you some "see food" and I think I might be naked, I'm not sure. Maybe I better stick to beads and glass.
Yesterday was our final walk through. It went well. We met the woman selling the house, she was nice. She has all the manuals for everything in the house ready for us and she showed us how the childproof outlets work (she had to ask herself). Everything seems to be in order and I guess we're ready for tomorrow.
We're still waiting to hear back about our moving truck. They let you reserve them online and then they don't get back to you until the night before to officially confirm everything. They don't really leave much room for you to make other plans if you can't get what you want. That's starting to stress both of us out. We just don't want to have to drive two towns over to pick up a truck, the millage would cost a fortune. Living in a small town can be so frustrating at times. Oh but we won't have to worry about that any more, "big city" here we come.
We have a group of friends that will be helping us. I just have to feed them and fill them up with beers. I can do that. I can't believe anyone volunteered, it's December in Wisconsin, I sure as hell wouldn't want to help a friend move. But we have awesome friends. They are so awesome they will help us move in the middle of the winter while it's snowing. Yup that's right, it's supposed to snow this weekend, but at least it won't be bitterly cold, it will be in the 30s. It'll feel like summer.
So home ownership here we come. Again, holly shit, are we really doing this?
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